What All New Moms Should Pack in Their Hospital Bag

hospital bag

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What should new mommas pack in their hospital bag for their hospital stay?

There’s a lot of buzz on instagram and other platforms on what moms should pack. Some people suggest that your hospital bag be full to the brim (JUST IN CASE). Others like to think your hospital bag should be the bare minimum. I’m on that latter side’s opinion. I think there’s a huge level of uncertainty the first time you’re going to deliver your baby and what you will actually need and use. Remember that your partner can go home and collect anything additional that you might need that you don’t currently have, it’s not the end of the world! Also, the hospital will have a lot of the basic necessities for you to use and even to take home with you!

If you’re a new mom – you might want to check out this post about what you should put in your baby registry. You only need the basics, but that could still be overwhelming. I break down the products that you’ll need and ONLY the products you will need. I hope it’s helpful for you!

What I packed in my hospital bag but didn’t use

I was on the thought process of needing to bring a lot of extra stuff. I packed a lot of snacks that didn’t get used up because I was using the epidural for an extended period of time. The only thing you can have is ice water and maybe some other liquids. I also thought I would have that picture perfect moment during birth so I brought my makeup. I didn’t touch that at all. I also had some hair products that I didn’t use either. I was in too much pain and completely sleep deprived to even bother looking good.

What I wish I packed and what YOUR hospital bag should have


I wish I had some breastfeeding friendly outfits to change into. I now have some button down dresses (I use as pjs) that are easy to feed or pump in. Also the breastfeeding bras are very handle and helpful. The straps can pop off easily to allow for pumping or breastfeeding.


Girl, the diapers are for YOU and not for the baby – the hospital has plenty of diapers for the baby. Whether you deliver by c-section or vaginal, you will bleed in the first few weeks. It might be light or heavier than a period. The hospital will have these mesh pulls ups and pads, however I would really recommend using adult disposable diapers. I swear by them and used them a few weeks after delivering instead of dealing with pads. When the bleeding got less then I switched over to pantyliners.

Recovery Items in my hospital bag – check out the blog post linked for a quicker way to heal after giving birth

I would suggest you pack your own hazel witch soothing pads and lidocaine spray (USE BEFORE YOU DELIVER TO ENSURE YOU ARE NOT ALLERGIC OR SENSITIVE). You can also bring your own peri bottle. I didn’t use mine because I liked how well the hospital one worked.

Hygiene Products

I’m pretty sure they give you little bottles of shampoo/conditioner and toothbrush/toothpaste. Just in case, maybe bring your own!

Baby Products

You don’t need to bring any diapers, but you might want to bring the cute photo op stuff (bassinet cover, name tag, etc). You can bring a couple sets of baby clothes if you plan on doing the photo ops, otherwise just bring an easy to put on pj set (newborn size and one size up).

Phone Charger

This is a given of why you need this. If for some reason you have other electronics, bring the charger for that too.

What I will pack this time around in my hospital bag

Phone Charger

This will be the first thing I put in my bag since I will be staying longer due to my surgery.


Like I mentioned before, I swear by these so I’ll be bringing them along in my hospital bag.


I will also be bringing my button down dresses in my hospital bag. I’m not sure if I will be changing into it right away, but at least I’ll have it.

Breast Pump & Supplies

Because my baby won’t be able to latch in the traditional way due to his condition, I will be bringing my pumping supplies in case. I will work with the lactation consultants to see if it’s possible to breastfeed. The hospital also has pumps there but they suggested that I bring my own just in case. I have the lansinoh brand and got it through my insurance for a pretty affordable price. It worked really well for me, especially once I got the appropriate flange size (this is super important because the insurance ones will probably be too large for most women).

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