Pregnancy Diaries 3rd Trimester: Pregnant During the Summer Months

a pregnant woman on the beach in the summer months

Why is it so miserable to be pregnant during the summer months?

I have heard that being pregnant during the summer months is brutal. Now at first I didn’t really understand why this could be the case. I run warm to hot. I sweat no matter what. How could being pregnant during the summer months be any worse?

Being in the third trimester during these incredibly hot months (and we aren’t even in August yet) is so difficult. My house has this addition to it that became the family room and that’s where I spend most of my time during the day. The baby has all her toys out in the living room, it’s where I feed her, and where I let her have screen time so I can get some chores done. This room is so much warmer than the other rooms. I’m not sure if it has to do with the sealings, the a/c access, or the multiple windows (I keep the curtains closed). Regardless of what the issue is, I find myself going crazy with the heat of the house.

I’ve found that wearing a house dress or nightgown is much more cooling than wearing yoga pants for example. I typically drink room temperature water but there is nothing better than crisp ice cold water to cool down. I crank my ceiling fan up during the day and keep the house temperature low (whoops, sorry to my husband for that bill!). Next time I plan on getting pregnant, I am definitely going to do my best to avoid being in the third trimester during summer. To be fair, I live in Florida so no matter how many precautions I take, I will probably still be miserable with the heat.

What is the science behind feeling warmer in the third trimester?

Your metabolism is speeding up as you get further into your pregnancy journey. It only makes sense that if you’re growing a baby inside your body, that your body would start working extra hard. Pregnancy has so many changes in the body and the blood vessels are one of these things! They dilate to increase the blood flow. When this happens, it can make you feel warmer.

How to combat the heat during the summer months?

As everyone knows, it’s so important to stay hydrated. If you’re dehydrated, you might feel warmer and more sluggish. Being in the sun during those peak hours are terrible! Try to not overheat as this can increase your blood pressure and can potentially lead to more serious issues. Basically, think about any safety precautions during the summer months and be a little extra cautious while pregnant.

Have any of you experienced this with your pregnancies? If so, what did you do to help alleviate the overheating feeling while in your third trimester?