How to Start a Successful Mommy Blog in 2024

What are the easy steps to start a successful blog in 2024?

Did you know that blogging is still something YOU CAN DO in 2024 and become very successful in doing it? I became a stay at home mom, previous career woman (pharmacist) and I stumbled across this amazing Youtuber who talked about her own experience. She was determined to create a business that could support her through a blog. AND SHE DID. I thought if she could do it, why wouldn’t I try to start a successful blog in 2024?

Even though it’s years later, 2024 is still a great time to start a successful blog! It can be a great landing page for your other businesses. If you get your own URL, then you can own that piece of space that you have free control over. No worrying about algorithm changes or being banned from a site.

Here are a few steps and things to think about when you start a successful blog in 2024.

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Finding Your Niche for a Successful Blog in 2024

What are a few things that you are passionate and knowledgeable about? For some people, they love animals and that would be their area. Others really enjoy the health space – although it might be a little saturated. Great advice from other bloggers is to be able to grow with the blog. Can you talk about this topic for a while? For months, for years? Do you have an end goal in mind? Do you want to create a home school curriculum business – you can talk about teaching or home schooling. If you are looking for a certain business outcome, then try to work backwards.

Keyword Research

After figuring out what you want to write about there is a lot of research involved in learning how to come up with blog posts. There are keywords, long tailed keywords, descriptions, and more. Basically all of this comes down to SEO (search engine optimization). You want to attract the Google/Pinterest or any search engine’s algorithm. These keywords and strategic ways to write your blog posts are what allows your blog to become more searchable and seen. If your goal is to monetize, then you will need traffic to your page and learning how to do SEO is a MUST.

Hosting Service for a Successful Blog in 2024

After you have figured out what you’re going to write about and the general plan, get a hosting service. Make sure to use a SELF HOSTED service because it allows for monetization easier than hosted. I use BlueHost and a lot of other bloggers recommend it. It takes a bit of an adjustment to use but is fairly beginner friendly. The price can change on how much you pay yearly, especially if you have a discount through a promotion. I paid around $50 for an entire year to have my URL ( If you click any links and sign up with BlueHost, I get a small commission.

As an additional note: check the website url you are interested in and look it up in your states LLC or trademark. If you stay consistent and become successful, you will want to potentially turn the URL into a business (LLC). Make sure it’s available before making your URL.

Courses for Starting a Successful Blog in 2024

There are plenty of free courses out there that can help you accelerate your blog growth. I would personally search for SEO or Pinterest. I haven’t taken any courses, but I feel that the free youtube videos I have watched were quality enough to try doing things on my own. Eventually I want to purchase a Pinterest course. There are all monetary ranges for courses, so look at the reviews carefully. As always, check out free resources first.

Pinterest for Getting Traffic To Your Site

Learn how to use Pinterest. You can do this through Youtube videos or by online courses. I am still tweaking my Pinterest templates to see what gets the most outbound clicks. You will want to get a Pinterest account, then change it into a business account. Optimize everything you can within Pinterest: your name that makes sense with your niche, your about section filled with keywords, board names strategically named. You will create pins through Canva and I would recommend making anywhere from 8-25 pin templates so you can easily access this and change titles or pictures for the blog posts you are making it for. You will create at least 8 pins for each blog post in order to advertise your blog and then you can schedule it on Pinterest with your URL attached to that blog post. There is a lot of free information out there, so definitely look it up because it can be overwhelming.

Search Other Blogs for Their Income Reports

Checking out other blogs for their income blog reports are so inspirational. Some of these blogs are making bank! I like to look at the earlier ones to see how long it took them to earn thousands of dollars a month. It is TOTALLY DOABLE to make that much money a month. They usually break it down and tell you what they spent versus what they earned. They also share how they earned it and what their goals are for the following month. It’s a great way to get yourself motivated to become like them. If you want to see my blog monthly report, check it out here.

Legal Protection

You will need to have some legal pages in place at the bottom of your blog. Also, you will need a privacy policy, About me, Terms of Service, and Contact. You can generate these using free legal generators or buy bundles from the website She has items for sale that helps you navigate those legal pages for your blog.

Also, make sure you don’t copy/paste anyone’s picture without permission. You can check websites that have copyright free images or just get permission. Either way, be careful with the images you use.

My advice

Keep Costs Low

When you first start out, you don’t need a ton of fancy stuff. You need a site to host your website (Bluehost or other) and a template for your blog. You can easily search on Etsy to get an affordable theme for your blog. All you have to do is search for wordpress blog theme and you can filter from the cheaper options or the highest rated. Pick something you are comfortable with and read the information about the product carefully to make sure it’ll work for your site. You want it to be fully responsive to make it look nice on mobile too. If you want to invest in courses, that would be the only other cost that successful bloggers will mention.

Take a Week to Research Before Starting

I took a week to really look at the logistics of starting a blog. I wanted the reality of what I was working toward and how long it would take. Would I be able to expedite my research with youtube videos? Could I make money the first year? What type of SEO and marketing strategies did I need to succeed? After a week of looking into this information and feeling more comfortable, I decided to dive right in and get to work. I didn’t write multiple posts and post them all at once. I started with two a week and went down to one blog post a week. The important part is to just get started.

Youtube Research

I would recommend looking through Youtube videos. The most recent the better, but any blogging videos will do. They will show you the ins and outs of starting a blog. There is so much free information out there and consuming it in a video format is so much easier for me to digest.

Be Consistent

If you are consistent, you will see growth. I wouldn’t go crazy pumping my blog full of posts. I would get 1-2 quality posts a week. This includes SEO, keyword research, and with Pinterest in mind. You’re going to want to create pins for each of your blog posts so you can increase traffic to your site. You might think that only doing 1-2 posts a week is not enough, but when you add in editing, pins, and researching, you will see that it adds up. You will become more proficient in creating posts and it’ll become second nature to you. For the beginning phase, there is a lot of upfront work for every part of the blog. I wouldn’t overwhelm myself with more than 2 posts a week starting out until you know you have the time to dedicate.

If there is anything else you can think of, let me know! This is a quick overview of how to start your blog. Feel free to email me if you have any questions on starting your blog! I would love to help! My email is

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