Amazing Babywearing Benefits for Mom and Baby

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What are some babywearing benefits?

There are SO many babywearing benefits and so many different types out there. There are the heavy duty ones that are baby carriers and also baby wraps that wrap around the mom. Babywearing benefits can be as simple as keeping your baby close. Other babywearing benefits can include more scientific reasons (not discussed here). Some babies will take to one more than the other, so shop around. One might work better for you. If you get a baby carrier, make sure to look at the weight and length requirements. We don’t want to put too much weight on the babies pelvic area. Also, we want to make sure the leg position are physical therapy approved!

Woman bonding with her child

Develops a Bond Between You and Baby

Holding your baby close is obviously an amazing way to bond. When babies snuggle close to mom and can hear her heartbeat it is extremely calming for them. Those little cuddles are just too adorable, so why wouldn’t you want that? My baby would constantly sleep on my husbands chest and she was more relaxed in that position, than sleeping away from us for her naps.

Allows Movement for Mom

When I used my baby wrap, I was able to actually have free hands. Who knew?? Many women use carriers or wraps so they can continue doing what they want: cook, clean, shop hands free, tend to other children, and other reasons.

I mean think about the convenience of having your baby securely strapped against you but you’re still able to do what you want! I didn’t utilize this enough, but with baby number two coming soon, I’ll be looking for other wraps and carriers that will work for me and baby.

Helps to Prevent ‘Flat Head Syndrome’

Positional Plagiocefalia is the scientific term for flat head syndrome seen in newborns and babies. A lot of products design contain our babies so we are able to be free to do other things like cook, do chores, or simply use the bathroom or eat in peace. When we place our babies in containers that keep their head in a certain position, it can start to create a flat head. Some babies who have flat heads develop it for other reasons. When you wear your baby, you are keeping their head from hitting a hard surface, where they can freely move their head from side to side.

Some Babywearing Product Examples

Kea Baby Wrap Carrier

Infantino Baby Carrier