Differences Between the 1st and 2nd Pregnancy: a Mom of 2 Under 2

What are the differences between my 1st and 2nd pregnancy?

As a new mom you don’t really know what to expect. You’re going into your pregnancy for the first time. But when you’re expecting your second, you can see the differences between the 1st and 2nd pregnancy. Every person is different with how they handle their pregnancy. Have you looked at your friends or family’s pregnancies and compared? The differences that you see between people can also happen between your own pregnancies.

The differences between the 1st and 2nd pregnancy

Nausea and Smells: While the first time was so much more difficult to withstand, the second pregnancy was somehow easier to get through. I cannot stand our old home that we rent because of the nasty cabinets. They smell so much stronger when I’m pregnant. Also, onions do not smell good and they just stunk so bad.

Pharmacist vs Stay at home mom: I would work on my feet for 12 hours a day as a pharmacist around 3-4 times a week. I also drove at least one hour to my pharmacy and had closing shifts. The difference this time around is that I stay at home all day. I find it to be more stressful trying to wrangle a little girl while being pregnant versus working long shifts. I think having a pharmacy schedule helped me know exactly what to expect for each day versus staying at home with a baby that would randomly skip her nap or would eat all day.

Swelling: Because I was at work standing for long shifts, I would swell really bad in my legs and feet. No matter the compression sock, I would still come home with painfully swollen legs/feet. Also, driving that hour to work and back left the blood pooling in my legs.

Pelvic and Back Pain: I would wear a belly band during work but since I’m at home now, I find it more uncomfortable when sitting to have that band on me. I can wake up limping from the pain during this second pregnancy. After giving birth I felt like my pelvic bones never went back completely in place. It’s difficult to twist and crack my back and I think this contributed greatly to my increased pain during the second pregnancy. It is the worst pain I’ve encountered so far.

The similarities between pregnancies

No vomiting: Oh man was I happy about this. If you experienced this during your pregnancy, I am so so sorry that happened to you. I have a huge fear of this, so I was relieved when I was able to get through that first and second trimester without this issue. I almost did once and I ran to the bathroom in a panic. Fingers crossed for the next pregnancies that they are the same.

Hair Growth: My hair grew pretty well during my pregnancy. It thickened and grew really quickly. For both pregnancies I have noticed that it’s just the hair on my head that has seemed to grow quicker than normal.

Covid: For my first pregnancy I got covid when I was 5 weeks pregnant. I had a cough and sore throat that wouldn’t go away and it started to progress into heavy mucus (gross, I know) in my chest. I took a covid test AND pregnancy test because I had a feeling it would be positive and it was. Can you imagine just finding out you have both? I just wanted to stay alive – very dramatic because I was fine, but that mucus definitely almost pushed me to the emergency room.

During the second pregnancy, I had gotten sick around 20 weeks or so. This was difficult because I had to wear a mask while at my parent’s house. My husband was working all 12s and I needed help with my daughter. She ended up getting sick but thankfully it didn’t last that many days where it disrupt her sleep. Taking care of her while being decently sick was no fun but I got through it.

Low Iron: I became iron deficient quicker in my first because I wasn’t really eating much or taking iron supplements. I ate better and ate more meats during this second pregnancy but still became iron deficient. I took a liquid iron supplement the first time around and this time I am taking iron gummies every other day. They mentioned that if I didn’t get my iron up during my first that they would probably give me transfusions.

Genetic Issues: My daughter’s genetic screening showed some concern for a condition called Turner’s Syndrome. After multiple ultrasounds, heart check ups, and more, her condition was ruled out. My son’s condition can’t be ruled out and during his 20 week ultrasound they saw that he has spina bifida. This will require a lot of medical attention, surgeries, and specialists while he’s growing up. Whether a condition is eventually ruled out or not, the emotions are still the same of ‘why can’t my baby be normal?’. It’s still very traumatic, but with time I’ve noticed that neither were a death sentence, although not ideal.

How were your pregnancies different or the same? Did you notice anything completely different between all of yours? I’m now even more scared to see what the future pregnancies will look like. From my first to second I have felt that my body deteriorated very quickly. I plan to wait a few years before thinking about a third baby. I really would like to have 4, but my body is currently not in the shape I want it to be in order to carry another baby. My future plan is to get back to working out with weights the way I did before having kids and take it from there!