40 Wait Until Moments: Cherishing Moments with Your Little One

Have you heard the ‘Wait Until’ Comments from other parents?

There were so many negatives surrounding the newborn phase and then once I was done with the newborn phase the ‘wait until’ comments were about the toddler phase. This ‘wait until’ notion kept going and going all the way through the child’s life and into adulthood. Here’s a list of all the ‘wait until’ moments that are POSITIVE and can hopefully give you something to look forward to in your babies life.

Mother Carrying Baby

Just Wait Until

  1. The first time you get to hold them after delivery
  2. The first announcement picture to your family and friends
  3. You put on that first take home outfit and it’s massive on the baby
  4. You master changing a diaper
  5. You start feeling that connection with your baby (this can take time, do not worry if it’s not right away)
  6. You get those photoshoot pictures back!
  7. That first little coo explodes into more talkative coos
  8. Their little gas smiles become actual smiles
  9. You have so many pictures in your phone that you’re able to look back on EVERY memory
  10. You can start really seeing who the baby looks like and who people think the baby looks like
  11. You can buy bigger diapers and compare them to the size they came home from the hospital with
  12. They start grabbing their little chubby feet
  13. You’re able to start doing crafts and collect other sweet memorabilias for their keepsake box
  14. Your provider gives you the okay to start solids
  15. Your baby is able to put one messy scoop of food in their mouths by themselves
  16. Your baby masters tummy time to rolling and gets ready to crawl
  17. Your house fills up with more toys and your baby has their favorite one
  18. Your baby finds a special show (if you allow screen time) and you start buying everything related to that show for them
  19. The baby is able to interact with other people and kids
  20. You partner carries them off to bed with their little legs dangling
  21. Your baby only wants to cling to you because other humans are scary!
  22. They start babbling mama or dada and confuse everyone and everything with those words
  23. Your baby starts gaining a ton of chunky yummy fat and they become extra squishy
  24. You can see the little gears going in their heads when they are trying to solve a problem (with a toy, with feet placement, with food utensils)
  25. Your partner starts showing more and more affection towards your baby – it will make you melt
  26. The little giggles fill the house
  27. You have to remove their little carseat padding because they are just getting way too big
  28. Baby starts going on the move – crawling, cruising, standing
  29. Baby starts recognizing close family and friends
  30. Their little arms reach up towards you because they want you to pick them up
  31. They get their first little tooth poke through their gums
  32. They think that throwing stuff is a funny game so they can’t stop laughing at it
  33. Waving, clapping, and other little movements with their hands become an easy thing they mastered
  34. They start bobbing up and down because that’s their way of dancing
  35. You can put sunglasses on them – they look so adorable
  36. The holidays become so much more enjoyable because you have this little baby of yours wearing the cutest outfits
  37. That first birthday comes up and you start planning a fun and easy birthday party for them
  38. That first smash cake you give them
  39. You realize that time has seriously flown (especially when you look back at pictures)
  40. You want another kid because this little baby has been the most difficult but rewarding journey